Conversion Rate from Click


This metric takes a value of between 0 and 1, by dividing the number of conversions by clicks and is typically expressed as a percentage of 0 to 100%.   Higher is better in the range of values, and all senders like a high conversion rate.  This is the conversion rate at the bottom of the amil

Tips for interpreting

Conversion Rate from Click aims at judging your conversion rate using clicks as the denominator measures success at the bottom of the email funnel.   This measures how many people convert that the email drove to the site directly.   While Conversion Rate from Sent shows conversion rates at the top of the email funnel.

Thinking of your email metrics in terms of the traditional sales funnel, we at the top we have delivered, opens, clicks, and conversion rates.   

A good explanation of this tactic is found in Campaign Monitor’s Post “How to Build an Email Marketing Funnel For Conversions,” with example emails.  

Another Campaign Monitor article, “5 Ways to Increase Conversion Rate from Email to Landing Page,” talks about one point to optimize conversion – which is the landing page. A well-designed landing page will increase conversions and your conversion rate. Another way to increase conversions is to increase clicks to the site to produce conversions. To do this, you want your creative to target people better, not simply generate more clicks; test using tactics such as different CTAs, creative imagery, and others discussed in increasing clicks but use the conversion rate rather than CTR as your success metric.   

Related Links

 How to Build an Email Marketing Funnel For Conversions


5 Ways to Increase Conversion Rate from Email to Landing Page

( to Use Metrics To Improve Email Conversion Rate (  A basic primer to help you get started with improving conversion rate can be found in Bizz Bee’s article; it even has a video. 

Conversion Rate from Sent - The Email Metrics Project

Conversion Rate from Sent - The Email Metrics Project

[…] See also Conversion Rate from Click. […]

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Segment your Results; Gain Deeper Insights - The Email Metrics Project

[…] From here you can calculate any rates you need, including open rate, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate (CR). You can also calculate time variables like length-of-time on file, time-based cohorts, or […]

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