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The OI Masters of Email Metrics Quiz 2023
Boost Your Email Marketing Performance with Testing
Email Newsletters: Conversions, KPIs, Goals, Measuring Success, and Optimization
Email Marketing Segmentation: What, Why, and How
Common Metrics That ESP Clients Ask For
Get on the Email Marketing Escalator (Geoff Linton, Tekside.io)
Ask the Right Email Questions (Chad S. White, Oracle Marketing Consulting)
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The Bot Menace: Deciphering the Hidden Threat to Email Campaign Success
By Paul Christmann (Rasa.io)
In the landscape of email marketing, the emergence of bot-clicks poses a nuanced challenge for senders, ranging from a minor inconvenience to a significant disruption. Bots navigate the links within emails, leaving behind a trail of clicks that directly impact metric reporting. But why do these bots exist, and what purpose do they serve beyond complicating the lives of email senders? This blog aims to unravel this hidden thread and provide insights to help you find them in your own data. Read More
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AI for the win? Maybe or maybe not. [Case Study]